1. How is MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus different from Vivup's EAP offer?
The purpose of MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus is to offer a more affordable alternative to the traditional Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). To achieve this, we have partnered with employee benefits provider Vivup to offer a scaled-back version of their standard EAP offer. This tailored solution helps to meet the needs of employers who might not have been able to access or consider traditional EAP services, such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and others seeking cost-effective employee support solutions.
2. Will we receive basic usage data for employees accessing the service?
While MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus does not offer employers the option to receive data unique to their individual organisation, employers can choose to receive the combined, and anonymized, usage data across all members. This approach allows us to safeguard the privacy of employees in cases where they could otherwise be identified and offers insights into the collective challenges faced by employees across our network, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of prevalent issues and trends, irrespective of individual uptake.
3. Does MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus extend to the family members of our staff?
No. MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus is available exclusively for the staff members of participating employers. It does not extend to family members, irrespective of whether they live at the same address or not.
4. Can we use MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus to support our volunteers?
Yes. Participating employers may extend the MINDFUL EMPLOYER Plus service to anyone over the age of 16 who is working under a contract of services, provided that they included these persons within their organisation’s headcount when applying to join or renew the service.
5. Is there a charge to call the support line?
Like many other EAP services, the support line operates using an 0330 number. As a result, charges may apply. However, 0330 numbers are often included as part of a person’s inclusive call minutes from their mobile network or landline provider.