Supporting Mental Health at Work | Supporting Suicide at Work | Money and Mental Health | Helpful Reading
Supporting Mental Health at Work
- ACAS: Employment advice
- CIPD: People managers' guide to mental health
- CIPD: Managing the challenge of workforce presenteeism
- Devon Partnership NHS Trust: Mental health self-help guides
- Mental Health at Work Portal: Workplace resources and toolkits
- Mind: The A to Z of mental health
Supporting Suicide at Work
- BITC: Suicide prevention toolkit for employers
- BITC: Postvention toolkit for employers
- CIPD: Responding to suicide risk in the workplace
- Samaritans: Suicide Tip Sheet
- Zero Suicide Alliance: Free, online suicide awareness training
Money and Mental Health
- CIPD: Why employee financial wellbeing matters
- Mental Health and Money Advice: Cost-of-living hub
Helpful Reading
- WHO (2022): Guidelines on mental health at work
- CIPD (2022): Health and wellbeing at work
- Deloitte (2020): Mental health and employers: Refreshing the case for investment
- Stevenson and Farmer (2017): Thriving at work: A review of mental health and employers
The above list of links has been curated by staff at MINDFUL EMPLOYER to assist people in finding appropriate sources of help and support. MINDFUL EMPLOYER is not responsible for the content of external websites and was not approached by any other parties to include specific resources or materials. Should you encounter any issues with the above links, telephone numbers or email addresses, please let us know by emailing the team at